Welcome to the 2025-2026 Kindergarten registration process! Please be sure to review all of the information on this page before proceeding to ensure your child is ready for school this fall. Questions about the Kindergarten registration process, including the necessary forms and paperwork, can be directed to the South Park Elementary Center office by calling (412) 655-3111, option 3.
In order for your child to be eligible for Kindergarten, the student must reach the age of five (5) before September 1, 2025.
Families of incoming Kindergarten students should follow the steps below to ensure your child is properly registered for Kindergarten this fall.
Visit the PowerSchool enrollment portal by clicking here. If you have not enrolled a student through the PowerSchool enrollment portal over the past three school years, you will need to create an enrollment portal account. Please note, an enrollment portal account is different from an existing PowerSchool parent portal account.
Complete and submit the “New Student Registration” for the 2025-2026 school year. If you have more than one child enrolling in Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year, you will need to complete a registration form for each child.
The online registration process provides South Park Elementary Center with much of the information about your child and family that it needs to properly enroll your child.
Throughout the online registration process, you will be prompted to download, print, and complete the required, additional documents necessary to enroll your child in Kindergarten. Those required forms can also be found below. We ask that you bring as many of those forms to the elementary center on the day of your child’s screening appointment on May 20. An elementary center staff member will review these documents with you while your child is taking part in the screening. You may also bring the completed forms and documents to the elementary center office beginning May 21. Dropoffs can be made between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on school days beginning May 21 or from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday-Thursday during the summer.
The required forms to download, print, and bring to your child’s screening appointment are:
The district also requires a copy of your child’s birth certificate and two (2) proofs of residency (ex. driver’s license, utility bill, rental agreement). Please provide these to the elementary center office.
Students are also required to have the proper immunizations as set forth by the PA State Health Department and the Allegheny County Health Department. These immunizations are required prior to your child entering school. When registering your child, you must provide a copy of your child's immunizations to the school office. No student's registration can be completed without documentation of the proper immunizations.
The following immunizations are required for entering kindergarten:
4 doses of DTP (1 dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
4 doses of Polio (1 dose must be on or after 4th birthday)
2 doses MMR (1st dose must be on or after 1st birthday)
3 doses of Hepatitis B
2 doses of Varicella (1st dose must be on or after 1st birthday) or a written statement from physician indicating month and year of disease or serologic proof of immunity.
Families without internet access may come to the South Park Elementary Center office from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. beginning on Thursday, January 23, 2024 to use a computer.
If you have any questions about kindergarten registration, please contact the South Park Elementary Center office.
We look forward to welcoming our new class of Eagles this fall!
TBD in August: Kindergarten Orientation. At this event, families will learn more about the typical school day for Kindergarten students, learn about important procedures at South Park Elementary Center, meet some of the Kindergarten teachers, and tour the Kindergarten classrooms!