South Park Middle School gifted students recently took part in a day of law and order, as they toured South Park Township offices and facilities, as well as the courtroom and offices of the Honorable District Judge Michael Thatcher.
It began as special visitors of South Park Township Supervisor, Edward Snee. Mr. Snee guided the students on a tour of South Park Township buildings and the Public Works Department. Aaron Laughlin, Director of Public Works, explained all the work that his department does and allowed the students to climb and explore the heavy machinery. Next, South Park Police Chief McDonough explained the history, and the responsibilities, of the South Park Township Police Department.
The students enjoyed seeing all of the newest tools and instruments used by the South Park Police Department to maintain the safety of South Park residents.
South Park Township Manager Mrs. Karen Fosbaugh gave an insightful presentation of all of the upcoming township building projects and the future development of the township.
The second half of the day was spent with the Honorable District Judge Michael Thatcher. Judge Thatcher began with a Q&A session with the students. Then Judge Thatcher explained the legal system in great detail, explaining the role of the prosecutor, the public defender and his role as the judge. The students were also in attendance while several cases were presented to Judge Thatcher in his courtroom. At the end of the day, Judge Thatcher even participated in a push-up contest with some of the students!
Mr. Howard Anderson, SPMS gifted teacher, would like to personally thank Mr. Todd Naylor, South Park School District Director of School Police, for his assistance in transporting the students so that they were able to participate in this unique educational experience.